August 2021 Latest Club update

We are back (mostly) from the 12th September

Hi All

We are almost ready to go!!
School holidays are nearly finished, that means its time to get back to fencing. 14+ are back fencing from the 12th, 11+ from the 19th September.  Please see below about the new groups.

The COVID situation
The situation is better and we pretty much have no limits on fencing, having said that we will still have to consider things when we get together.

  • Please consider face masks. Face masks are optional, but we do suggest you wear them when not fencing/cooling down after a match.
  • Please consider wiping down the kit after each fight
  • Please consider sanitizing you hands regularly
  • Please consider you distance.
  • Please consider other peoples choices.
  • Salutes at the end of a match should be used in stead of a hand shake.
  • Parents are now able to stay in the hall, but they should take the same precautions as everyone else, eg wear masks, social distance.
  • Doors are to be kept open whenever possible so as to aid ventiflation.
  • Temperatures will still be taken of everyone in the hall, if your temperature is high (37.8 or above) you will not be able to fence/stay.
  • The centre may have other precautions in place, please follow their guidelines.
  • Your vaccination position does no exclude you from any of these considerations. 

Many of our younger fencers have been taking club kit home after each session.  We have now arranged for you to have your ‘own’ bag at the club in which to store equipment.  This means you do not need to take it home after each session.

We are rearranging the groups so that we can attract more members.
6-10 Year olds: We are investing in Midi Fence kit so that we can attract a younger group, please note this new kit is being funded by a grant from the Chalk Cliff Trust that Claire successfully gained (Thanks Claire).  This group will run from 9am to 10am on Sunday mornings.  We have yet to secure the space, but should be able to do this as of October. 
11-13 year olds: This group will run from the 19th September and will be a group dedicated to fencing with metal non electric weapons, and will run from 10am to 11am on Sunday mornings. This group will do the normal warm up before being coached in a group session. Exception to this is any one who is in this age group and has fenced with us since September 2020.  These people will fence in the 14-17 year old group.
14-17 year olds: This group will fence electric on piste amongst themselves and with adults, from 10am until 12pm (or when ever you have to leave). You will warm up as normal, it is then expected you will go into a Group lesson with Lewis.
18+ year olds:  This group will fence electric on piste amongst themselves, from 10am until 12pm (or when ever you have to leave). You will warm up as normal, it is hoped you will go into a Group lesson with Lewis but it is not a requirement.
1-2-1’s: These continue as before after group coaching.  Please sign up with Lewis.

When are we fencing?
Our first session back is the 12th September (19th for 11-13 year olds) through until the 17th October (6 weeks) and then the 31st October through to the 12th December (7 weeks)

Whilst our finances are tight, we have decided to keep our membership fees the same £6 a session for adults and £5 for Students and Concessions.  Members fees will be paid for by the term.  PAYG fees will go up to £10 per session for Adults and £8 for Students and Concessions.  NB Anyone below the age of 14 cannot be PAYG and if you want 1 to 1 lessons you must be a member.  This means the fees for the first term will be £36 for adults and £30 for students and concessions (£25 for 11 to 13 yos who start a week later). 

BFA Membership
For us to be able to run as a club, we have to be a member of the BFA.  And for that to happen each fencer must be a BFA member in their own right. Being a member helps grow the sport, you also get regular updates and does include your own third party insurance. If you have never had a membership before there is a 90 day free trial otherwise you will need at least a Recreational membership.  More details can be found here

Membership Forms and Checking In
We require all members to have completed their membership form before fencing, if you have previously completed this form please do not complete another, you will receive an email very shortly allowing you to update your existing form.  If you have not completed a form and intend to come please visit our membership form here. NB. you will need an active BFA membership before completing this form.
There will be no need to check in prior to fencing on a Sunday, although you should make sure we check you in on the day.

If you feel something is not safe please tell one of the committee members who will look to rectify it. You can talk to us during the session, or after the session via email, If the issue is specifically welfare, ie child-related or you do not feel comfortable emailing the main email please use , this will go directly to our Welfare officer (Claire Cox).

We are looking forward to seeing you soon, and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes

Claire, Della, Gordon, Lewis and Simon.